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YFS 01/08/2013 Minutes
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Last Updated: 2013/1/28
Old Saybrook Youth & Family Services
Commission Meeting
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
5:15 P.M.
Youth and Family Services Offices, Old Saybrook, CT 06475

Call to Order: Chairman Sam Barnes called the meeting to order at 5:20 P.M.

Pledge to Allegiance
Roll Call
        Attendant Members:
        Samuel B. Barnes, Chairman              Jennifer R. Welsh, Vice Chair
        Ray Allen, Secretary                    Dorothy Shearer, Member At-Large
        Diane Aldi-DePaola, OSPHNB Rep  JT Giegerich, Students    
Catherine Kane, School System
Members absent:
        Peggy Viggiano, Member At-Large Juliana Jacoboski, Students
Also present:
Heather McNeil, Director and Sharon Tiezzi, Recording Clerk
Linda McCall, Y & F Administrative Assistant and Sue Consoli, Social Services Coord.

Comments from the Public – No public in attendance

Approval of Minutes of the December 4, 2012 regular meeting
A motion made by Diane Aldi-DePaola to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 2, 2012. Motion seconded by Ray Allen.
Ayes 6, Nays 0, Abstentions 1. Motion was carried.

Chairman’s Comments – Chairman Sam reported he received three letters of re-appointments to the commission for Peggy Viggiano, Jennifer R. Welsh and Dorothy Shearer.  All re-appointment terms will expire 9/2016.

Commission Member Reports – No reports

Director’s Report
The Director first reported on the fundraiser held at Otter Cove Restaurant for “Christmas for Kids”. This was their third year. The funds raised are shared between Essex Social Services, Old Saybrook Social Services and Children and Families Agency.  This year our share was $1,616.67.
Currently Y & F is working with the OSPS to design a Suicide Prevention brochure and website. Melinda a clinician at Y&F developed the brochure and Director Heather & Chief Spera did the website.  The information provided is to teach students and adults how to get help for their peers and family members and not to handle situations themselves.  There will be workshops at school during Wellness Week and also in the evenings for the community.
Director Heather reported how YFS handled responses to Sandy Hook tragedy with other town departments.  There were over 250 people at the high school who gathered to discuss the situation. The responses were very positive to all things that were brought up.  They were able to show the community how well the police and town government agencies work together in these kind of situation; and the good open communication with the school system.
The Collaborative Support Services within the schools still meets on the first Wednesday of the month at Central office. It includes the guidance department, a DCF liaison and Sue Consoli who talks about our public health, dental clinics and other health services that are provided for the community.
Coming events include January 27th Winter Family Day with free bowling; February 3rd and 22nd two movie nights and March 24th with the Lego Man.

Old Businessnone

New Business –
Director Heather McNeil presented the proposed budget along with Linda McCall and Sue Consoli.  (see attached) Linda and Sue had explained the increase in one position is due to the increase in needs and services in the department and the value of the department to the community.  Jennifer Welsh made a motion to strongly support and accept the proposed budget as presented. Motion was seconded by Diane Aldi-DePaola.                                                                                      Ayes 6, Nays 0, Abstentions 0. Motion carried.

Other Business - Next meeting February 5, 2013 at Youth & Family Services office at 5:15p.m. (may be at the Pavilion)

Adjournment - Motion made by Dorothy Shearer to adjourn at 6:18 p.m.; seconded by Jennifer R. Welsh. Ayes 7, Nays 0, Abstentions 0. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Tiezzi, Recording Clerk